Matteo Arfanotti was born in Sarzana Italy in 1974. He graduated with a degree in Atchitecture from the University of Florence where his love for all art forms grew. Matteo is fluent in many types of art, such as drawing and painting, set designs, and of course face and body painting. Matteo’s passion for the arts led him to landscape architecture alongside his wife, Francesca Calamita whom is a landscape architect.He has participated in home garden events and has even achieved 2nd place in the International Competition for Home Gardens of Euroflora. His passions have taken him around the world, teaching workshops and classes. In 2012 he became the Italian Body Painting Champion. In 2014, Matteo participated as an instructor in the 2014 FABAIC, his first time at the convention. He continues to travel the world doing what he loves most
Courses by Instructor
Monster Bites
0 StudentsMatteo Arfanotti has joined the FABAtv crew and has brought you a great class that is going to have you …
3D Animals
0 StudentsAll the way from Italy we welcome back the amazing Matteo Arfanotti into our fabatv studios. Today he brings us …
Mythical Creatures
0 StudentsMatteo is back in the studio! All the way from Italy he is here to show you some new creature …
Matteos Favorites
0 StudentsWelcome back Matteo in another in depth class on monster making! In this class Matteo will show you how to …